御位い高き高天原の神々様より、御神意で創設された由緒正しき神社 http://www.mikuni.or.jp


12月 ●二年参り・初参り

1月 ●お焚き上げ式

2月 ●意成講

4月 ●桜花祭

5月 ●端午祭

7月 ●七夕祭

8月 ●夏祭り大祭

9月 ●敬月祭

9月 ●瑞穂祭

10月 ●銭洗い祭

11月 ●恵比須講

  The measurement result of Mizuho water concerning radiation substance

 Wide range radioactive contamination was caused in the accident of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima caused by the East Japan great earthquake on March 11th in 2012. However, though very regrettable, each method of a certain decontamination is imperfect, and does not collateralize safety now.

The Mizuho water of MIKUNI shrine is natural water, and various illnesses are cured to a human body, and also it has so far been proved that various effects are found also to a substance. Then, when experimented in how this Mizuho water acts to a radiation substance, it turned out that there is the characteristic which lowers a dose of radiation. We want this Mizuho water to be used and utilized for decontamination of radioactivity, and decided to disclose a measurement result here.

@A measuring instrument

AExperiment 1
Experimental results for the Radioactive polluted water 596g (cesium 1371.5Bq/kg) sampled from Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture

BExperiment 2
Experimental results for soil 665g (cesium 2958.0Bq/kg), sampled from the schoolyard of an elementary school in Saitama Prefecture

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